20 new Eclipse stills

They are absolutely wonderful


Director David Slade letter to all Twilight fans

Director David Slade has written a nice letter to us Twilighters on Facebook.

Dear fans of The Twilight Saga,

I want to congratulate you for reaching over 6 million fans on The Twilight Saga Facebook page.

It’s hard to fathom that it was just over one year ago that I started constructing this third and epic adventure which takes place in the town of Forks.

I want to share a story about one of our days of shooting with you.

It was a Friday night and the rain was relentless. We were at La Push to shoot the tribe’s histories, a great speech by Billy Black. We had Taylor and Kristen and the whole wolf pack around a campfire as the heavens let loose on us.

Gil Birmingham was in fine form as the rain hammered down on us all, we adjusted our lights so that the rain vanished into the black of night.

We constructed a tent over the scene to keep everyone dry as we worked, every 15 minutes or so we would have to tip it to stop the collecting rain from splitting the fabric.

For some reason still unknown, around 3am, the wolf pack stood exactly in the way of several gallons of rainwater as it was being cleared. Being the wolf pack, they just laughed it off as they stood there soaked to the bone.

We worked through the mud and the rain all night, until we had the scene perfected.

As we left, dawn was now cracking and in the dim light I passed a small army of fans who had braved the weather for the entire night, still standing there, holding drenched flowers and waiting to get a glimpse of our actors.

So, to those of you who stood behind our security, who waited in line at theatres overnight, to those of you who just love these stories, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is a love letter to you.

Each day I felt the weight of your favourite scenes, your favourite lines, your dreams and your imagination.

It has been an unforgettable journey, and now as I finalise the last prints to ready the film for your local theaters, I cannot wait for you to see it.

Sincerest Regards,


HQ pictures of Bella and Edward

Large HQ pictures of Bella and Edward. Click on images to see them in much better quality.

Bildkälla via Twifans

Eclipse trading cards

Bildkälla: LovingRob via Twifans

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse TV-spot #5 “Missing”

Another TV spot, but this time one who is about newborn vampire Riley.

Videokälla via Youtube

10-second sneak peek at a new Eclipse clips

MTV shares with a 10 second "sneak peek" from a new Eclipse clips that we will see on Sunday at the MTV Movie Awards!

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Vidoekälla MTV via Twitter

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse TV-spot #4 “Something New”

Wow, that's a new TV spot for Eclipse, which focuses on the newborns.

Videokälla via Youtube

Bree Tanner - World Premiere on Saturday 06:01

The Story of Bree Tanner has its world premiere on Saturday, and several bookstores around the country will be open 6:01 - exactly the same time in the United States.

New Still Of Bree In Eclipse


The Twilight Saga: Eclipse presents Bree Tanner

It has been called a "featurette" where we get to meet Bree Tanner (played by 15-year-old Jodelle Ferland) and know a little more about her. Exciting! :)

On Saturday (5 / 6), the book "Bree Tanner's second life" out.


I love this picture very much. So wonderful 

Bildkälla via Twitter

Oh my God I won two tickets to fan event with Kristen and Taylor.

( Engelska )
I do not know what to say. The tears will be too full of joy. After all the moving today so I just checked my e-mail and you know that I've told us about an event yesterday where you could win 2x tickets for the fan event with Kristen and Taylor. And I participated and I won! My God I won! Feels like a dream.

Many thanks to you for choosing me as one of the winners.

( Svenska )
Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga. Tårarna kommer för fullt av glädje.
Efter all flytt idag så kollade jag precis min e-post och ni vet ju att jag tipsade om en tävling igår där man kunde vinna 2st biljetter till fan-eventet med Kristen och Taylor. Och jag deltog och jag vann!! HERREGUD JAG VANN!! Känns som en dröm.

Tusen tack för ni valde mig som en av vinnarna.

Discshop har fått in Eclipse saker

Idag så har discshop fått in Eclipse saker!

Man kan bara boka sakerna ännu men det står att dom ska komma in i Juni 2010 och här är några bilder men mera saker finns på hemsidan.

Oh what beautiful things Discshop received. And check out Volturi Crest bag.


New scan of Bree Tanner from the EW photo shoot.

New scan of Bree Tanner from the EW photo shoot.

Bildkälla via twifans

New Eclipse Still - Wolfpack boys!

Here comes a new still image on Embry and Quila from The Twilight Saga: Eclipse!

Eclipse TV Spot #2 Now in HD "He moves, you move"


SEE HERE: Event for the fans in COURT when Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob) visit Stockholm on 21 June!

( Svenska )

Alla vet väl i nuläget att Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner besöker Stockholm den 21 juni för att promota Eclipse? Om inte, då är det på tiden att lägga det på minnet!

I det första pressmeddelandet från Nordisk Film bekräftades det att en presskonferens (inte för fansen) kommer att bli av. Nu däremot, nu kommer ni inte att bli besvikna.

Ett event för oss fans kommer nämligen att hållas på Hovet! *

Nytt pressmeddelande från Nordisk Film:

Stort Twilight Fan Event 21 juni i Stockholm med skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner.

Måndagen den 21 juni bjuds Twilight-fans in till ett stort event på Hovet i Stockholm i närvaro av skådespelarna Kristen Stewart (Bella) och Taylor Lautner (Jacob). De båda filmstjärnorna besöker Stockholm inför biopremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, den tredje delen i The Twilight Saga. De tidigare filmerna Twilight och New Moon var båda stora publiksuccéer på bio i Sverige.

I samband med Stockholmsbesöket närvarar de på Twilight Fan Event på Hovet i Stockholm, där de kommer att medverka i en frågestund inför alla fans. På programmet står dessutom livemusik från filmerna och en första exklusiv visning av klipp från THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.

Biljetterna till Twilight Fan Event är gratis och släpps torsdag den 3 juni klockan 08.00 påFilmstaden Sergel i Stockholm, Filmstaden Bergakungen i Göteborg och Filmstaden Storgatan i Malmö. Antalet platser är begränsat, max två biljetter per person. Åldersgräns 13 år.

De 150 första på Filmstaden Sergel och de 50 första på Filmstaden Bergakungen respektive Filmstaden Storgatan får 2 VIP-biljetter till parkett, närmast scenen.

I övriga landet genomförs utlottningar och tävlingar om Twilight Fan Event biljetter på Bioklubben samt tillsammans med samarbetspartners, mer information dyker upp på sf.se under respektive stad.

Twilight Fan Event är ett samarrangemang mellan Zap Events, Nordisk Film och SF Bio.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE kommer att få världspremiär den 30 juni!

Biljetterna till TWILIGHT MOVIE NIGHT 29 juni släpps onsdag den 2 juni.

( Engelska )
New press release from Nordic Film:

Large Twilight Fan Event June 21 in Stockholm, with the actors Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.

Monday, June 21 offered Twilight fans into a big event at Hovet in Stockholm in the presence of the actors Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Taylor Lautner (Jacob).

The two movie stars will travel to Stockholm for the theatrical release of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE, the third installment in the Twilight Saga.

The previous movies Twilight and New Moon were both great successes of the cinema audience in Sweden

During the visit to Stockholm on attending the Twilight Fan Event at Hovet in Stockholm, where they will participate in a question and answer session for fans.
The program also live music from the films and an exclusive first showing of clips from THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE.
Tickets for Twilight Fan Event is free and released Thursday, June 3rd at 8:00 at the Film City in Stockholm, Sergel, Bergakungen in Gothenburg and Film City Main Street in Malmo. Seating is limited, maximum two tickets per person. Age limit 13 years.

The 150 first at Film City Sergel and the 50 first on Bergakungen respective Filmstaden Storgatan get two VIP tickets for the row, closest to the stage. In other country implemented sweepstakes and contests on the Twilight Fan Event Tickets on Bioklubben and together with partners, more details emerge on sf.se in each city.
Twilight Fan Event is a joint arrangement between Zap Events, Nordisk Film, SF Bio. THE TWILIGHT SAGA,: ECLIPSE will have its world premiere June 30: Tickets for the TWILIGHT MOVIE NIGHT Wednesday June 29 released on 2 June

Jag kan knappt förstå detta, kan ni? Jag vill så gärna åka dit. Laura, ska vi åka? 


Listen to Vampire Weekend's "Jonathan Low"

( Engelska )
You can now listen to the song "Jonathan Low," by Vampire Weekend, which is one of the songs for the soundtrack for Eclipse. What do you think about it?

( Svenska )
Nu kan man lyssna på låten “Jonathan Low” av Vampire Weekends, som är en av låtarna till soundtracket för Eclipse. Vad tycker ni om den?

Vw by c87157

Låtkälla via EclipseMovie.org

Eclipse guys Seventeen photoshoot

Videokälla via TwilightLexicon

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse TV Spot #3 “Starting”

Källa via twifans.com

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